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Product Research FAQ
How frequently is the data updated?
Data is updated once per week. We have plans to offer higher frequency updates in the future.
How long do you keep historical data?
10 weeks.
I shared my account login with co-workers. Why can’t we log in at the same time?
Currently, we only allow one user per account to login.
Why is some of the data not updated?
We do not show incomplete data from inactive or out of stock listings not shown on
Why does Product Sales Rank read N/A?
Top category Sales Rank is not available, only subcategory Sales Rank is available.
Why is 'Inactive & Date' labeled on the product listing?
This product was back-ordered during data assemblage, as such, the date shown signifies when the listing information was unavailable.
Does Big Zata have a Download Report feature?
Not at this time. We plan to add this feature later down the line.
Big Zata downloads the Top 100 listings from each subcategory on Amazon. Does it mean that I am able to monitor my products in Big Zata only when they are included in the Top 100 listings?
Yes, that is correct.
Is Big Zata available in other marketplaces?
We are currently collecting data for Amazon US only. We plan on expanding to the following marketplaces soon: CA, CN, DE, ES, FR, IN, IT, JP, and UK.